Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 2024

The following Privacy Policy governs the online information collection  company of Lodestone Technology, Inc. (“Company,” “we” or “us”). Specifically, it outlines the  types of information that we gather about you while you are using our  Group (the “Group”) and the ways in which we use this information. This  Privacy Policy applies primarily to information that we collect online.

We have created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to  privacy and security. This Privacy Policy describes how our Company  collects information from all end users of our Internet services (the  “Services”), including those who access some of our Services but do not  have accounts (“Visitors”) and those who may purchase Products and/or  pay a service fee to subscribe to the Service (“Members”).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By visiting and using the Group,  you agree that your use of our Group, and any dispute over privacy, is  governed by this Privacy Policy. In an effort to comply with changes in  technology and the adoption of new regulations and laws, we may need to  change our Policy at some point in the future, in which case we'll post the  changes to this Privacy Policy on this Group platform and update the  Effective Date of the policy to reflect the date of the changes. By continuing  to use the Group after we post any such changes, you accept the Privacy Policy as modified.

Our Privacy Policy Will Change Over Time 
Because we continue to develop the Group and take advantage of  technologies to improve the services we provide, our policies will change  over time. We may use personal information for new, unanticipated uses not  previously disclosed in this privacy policy. We encourage you to refer to this  Privacy Policy from time to time to stay abreast of our most current privacy  policy company. While we will attempt to notify registered users of any  material changes in the Privacy Policy by posting a notice on our Group  platform or sending an email to the user’s registered email address, it is your  responsibility to check for updates to the Privacy Policy and any such update  shall be effective even if you do not receive notice of such update. If you do  not consent to the updated Privacy Policy, you can discontinue use of the 
Group. Your continued access and use of the Group will constitute your  acceptance of any changes or revisions to our Privacy Policy.

We may collect and store personal or other information that you voluntarily  supply to us online while using the Group (e.g., while on the Group or in  responding via email to a feature provided on the Group). The Group only  contacts individuals who specifically request that we do so or in the event  that they have signed up to receive our messaging, or have purchased one  of our products or services. The Group collects personally identifying  information from our users during online registration and online purchasing.  Generally, this information includes name and e-mail address for  registration or opt-in purposes and name, email address, and credit card  information when purchasing our products or services. All of this  information is provided to us by you.

We also collect and store information that is generated automatically as  you navigate online through the Group. For example, we may collect  information about your computer's connection to the Internet, which allows  us, among other things, to improve the delivery of our web pages to you  and to measure traffic on the Group. We also may use a standard feature  found in browser software called a “cookie” to enhance your experience  with the Group, and web beacons, to access cookies, count users who visit  the Group, the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, time spent on our  Group, websites visited before and after our Group, IP addresses, or open  HTML-formatted email messages.

We use the information we collect from you while you are using the Group in a variety of ways, including using the information to customize features;  advertising that appears on the Group; and, making other offers available  to you via email, direct mail, or otherwise.

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily make your personal  information available for viewing by third parties online – for example on  message boards, web logs, through email, or in chat areas – that  information can be seen, collected, and used by others besides us. We  cannot be responsible for any unauthorized third-party use of such  information.

Some of our third-party advertisers and ad servers that place and present  advertising on the Group also may collect information from you via cookies,  web beacons, or similar technologies. These third-party advertisers and ad  servers may use the information they collect to help present their  advertisements, to help measure and research the advertisements'  effectiveness, or for other purposes. The use and collection of your  information by these third-party advertisers and ad servers is governed by  the relevant third-party's privacy policy and is not covered by our Privacy  Policy. Indeed, the privacy policies of these third-party advertisers and ad  servers may be different from ours. If you have any concerns about a third  party's use of cookies or web beacons or the use of your information, you  should visit that party's website and review its privacy policy.

The Group also includes links to other websites and provides access to  products and services offered by third parties, whose privacy policies we do  not control. When you access another website or purchase third-party  products or services through the Group, use of any information you provide  is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the Group you are  visiting or the provider of such products or services. 
Please also note that as our business grows, we may buy or sell various  assets. In the unlikely event that we sell some or all of our assets, or one or  more of our websites or platforms is acquired by another company,  information about our users may be among the transferred assets.

Personal Information Our Company Collects And How It Is Used Introduction 
Members may be asked to provide certain personal information when they  sign up for our Products or Services including name, email address, and  billing information (such as a credit card number). The personal information  collected from Members during the registration process (or at any other  time) is used primarily to provide a customized experience while using our  Products and Services. Your information will never be disclosed, traded,  licensed, or sold to any third party. However, we may make limited  disclosure of personal information under the specific circumstances  described below.

The Types of Information We Collect and Store
Some of the information we may collect about you and store in connection  with the provision and fulfillment of our services to you may include: 
Email Address 
Mailing Address 
Telephone Number 
Weight loss goals 
Exercise frequency 
Traffic source 
Any notes or testimonials that you provide

How We Use Your Personal Information 
The above personal information may be used for the following purposes: 
To operate, improve, or promote our Service 
To provide customer service or support 
To process payments 
To contact you 
When you have opted in to receive email messaging 
To respond to your email inquiries. Specifically, when  Visitors or Members send email inquiries to us, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we receive. We do not use the return email address for any other purpose, or share it with third parties. 
To monitor and analyze trends such as: 
Purchase history 
Sales reports 
Behavior on the Group 
Email clicks and opens 
To market our products and services through: 
Email marketing 
Advertising, including retargeting via Google and  
Perform accounting, administrative and legal tasks

Who Has Access to Your Data Within Our Organization 
Within our organization, access to your data is limited to those persons who  require access in order to provide you with the Products and Services you  purchase from us, to contact you, and to respond to your inquiries,  including requests for refund. Employees only have access to data on a  “need to know” basis.

Who We Share Your Data With Outside of Our Organization, and Why Unaffiliated Third Parties. 
We will not share or transfer your data to unaffiliated third parties without  your consent. We may use service providers in connection with operating  and improving the Group, to assist with certain functions, such as payment  processing, email transmission, data hosting, managing our ads, fulfilling  product sales, and some aspects of our technical and customer support.  We will take measures to ensure that these service providers access,  process, and store information about you only for the purposes we  authorize, subject to confidentiality obligations, including through the  execution of GDPR and CCPA-compliant Data Privacy Agreements or  Addenda, as applicable.

We may access, preserve, and disclose information about you to third  parties, including the content of messages, if we believe disclosure is in  accordance with, or required by, applicable law, regulation, legal process,  or audits. We may also disclose information about you if we believe that  your actions are inconsistent with our Terms of Service or related  guidelines and policies, or if necessary to protect the rights, property, or  safety of, or prevent fraud or abuse of the Company or others.

Why We Store Information We Collect From You 
We retain certain information that we collect from you while you are a  member on the Group, and in certain cases where you have deleted your  account, for the following reasons:

Google Analytics
We also use Google Analytics Advertiser Features to optimize our  business. Advertiser features include: 
So you can use our Group; 
To ensure that we do not communicate with you if you have  asked us not to; 
To provide you with a refund, if entitled; 
To better understand the traffic to our Group so that we can  provide all members with the best possible experience; 
To detect and prevent abuse of our Group, illegal activities, and  breaches of our Terms of Service; and 
To comply with applicable legal, tax, or accounting requirements. 
When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your  information, we will either delete or anonymize it.

Cookies and Tracking Tools 
We use cookies to help you make using our Group easier, such as: 
To remember your country and language preferences 
To deliver information that matches your interests 
To help us understand our audience and traffic patterns To let you automatically log into programs and parts of our  Group that require membership 
To manage and present Group info displayed on our webGroup that will be specific to you

We also use Web Beacons to collect non-personal data on how you use  our Group, such as how long did you visit our page, what web browser  you’re using, what’s your operating system, and who’s your Internet service  provider. In addition, we also use Google Analytics data and the  DoubleClick cookie to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to our Group.  This data is collected from thousands of Group visits and analyzed as a  whole. This helps us build a better Group to match our visitors’ needs. 
We may also place small “tracker gifs” or “beacons” on many of the pages  on our Group, in online advertising with third parties, and in our emails. We  use these beacons, in connection with Cookies, to collect non-personal  data on the usage of our Group including but not limited to the date and  time of the visit, the pages visited, the referring web page, the type of browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome), the type of operating  system (e.g., Windows, Linux, or Mac), and the domain name of the  visitor’s Internet service provider. This information is collected about  thousands of Group visits and analyzed as a whole. This information is  useful in, for example, tracking the performance of our online advertising  such as online banner ads, and to determine where to place future  advertising on other webGroups.

Advertiser Disclosures

Google Analytics 
We use Google Analytics Advertiser Features to optimize our business.  Advertiser features include: 
Remarketing with Google Analytics 
Google Display Network Impression Reporting 
DoubleClick Platform integrations 
Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting

By enabling these Google Analytics Display features, we are required to  notify our visitors by disclosing the use of these features and that we and  third-party vendors use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) or other first-party identifiers, and third-party cookies (such as the  DoubleClick cookie) or other third-party identifiers together to gather data  about your activities on our Group. Among other uses, this allows us to  contact you if you begin to fill out our check-out form but abandon it before  completion with an email reminding you to complete your order. The  “Remarketing” feature allows us to reach people who previously visited our  Group, and match the right audience with the right advertising message. 
You can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’s ad settings  and/or you may opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies by visiting  the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Data Security and Data Privacy Regulation

Our company’s commitment to data security 
We implement a variety of administrative, managerial, and technical  security measures to help protect your personal information. Our Company  has various internal control standards which relate specifically to the 
handling of personal information. These include certain controls to help  safeguard the information we collect online. Our employees are trained to  understand and comply with these controls and we communicate our  Privacy Policy, company, and guidelines to our employees. However, while  we strive to protect your personal information, you must also take steps to  protect your information. We urge you to take every precaution to protect  your personal information while you are on the Internet.

Additionally, while we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security  of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security  measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining this  information. If we do discover a security breach affecting your data, every  effort will be made to provide a notification within 72 hours of our team  learning of the occurrence.

General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) 
The GDPR took effect on May 25, 2018, and is intended to protect the data  of European Union (EU) citizens. 
If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) or are  accessing this Group from within the EEA, you have certain rights with  respect to your data. We respond to all requests that we receive from  individuals who wish to exercise their data protection rights in accordance  with applicable data protection laws. You can contact us by sending an  email to

Rights that you may have, depending on the country in which you live,  include: 
Accessing, correcting, updating, or requesting deletion of your  information. 
If you request that your account be deleted, you will  
lose access to all of our programs in which you are  
actively registered. 
Objecting to processing of your information, asking us to restrict  processing of your information, or requesting the portability of  your information. 
Opting out from receiving marketing communications that we  send you at any time. You can exercise this right by selecting  the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing emails we 
send you. Additionally, you may update your email preferences  by changing the settings in your account. 
Withdrawing your consent at any time if we have collected and  processed your information with your consent. Withdrawing your  consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing that we  conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the  
processing of your information conducted in reliance on lawful  processing grounds other than consent. 
Complaining to a data protection authority about our collection  and use of your information. For more information, please  contact your local data protection authority. Contact details for  data protection authorities in the European Union are  
available here.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) 
The CCPA took effect on January 1, 2020, and is intended to protect the  data of California residents.

If you are a resident of California, you have certain rights with respect to  your data. We respond to all requests that we receive from individuals who  wish to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable  data protection laws. You can contact us by sending us an email.

Rights that you may have, include: 
Requesting deletion of your information. 
If you request that your account be deleted, you will  
lose access to all of our programs in which you are  
actively registered. 
Opting out from the sale of your information to third parties. Requesting disclosure of the personal information we have  collected about you and the types of third parties with whom it  has been shared. 
Requesting the portability of your information. 
Opting out from receiving marketing communications that we  send you at any time. You can exercise this right by selecting  the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing emails we  send you. Additionally, you may update your email preferences  
by changing the settings in your account.
Requesting that we not sell your information, by clicking on the  corresponding link on our Group.

Every effort will be made to respond to a verified request within a  reasonable time or the time frame required by law.

Children’s Privacy Statement 
This children's privacy statement explains our company with respect to the  online collection and use of personal information from children under the  age of thirteen and provides important information regarding their rights  under federal law with respect to such information.

This Group is not directed to children under the age of thirteen  and we do NOT knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the  Group. We screen users who wish to provide personal  
information in order to prevent users under the age of thirteen  from providing such information. If we become aware that we  have inadvertently received personally identifiable information  from a user under the age of thirteen as part of the Group, we will delete such information from our records. If we change our company in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental  consent before collecting any personally identifiable information  from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Group.

Because we do not collect any personally identifiable information  from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Group, we  also do NOT knowingly distribute such information to third  parties. 
We do NOT knowingly allow children under the age of thirteen to  publicly post or otherwise distribute personally identifiable  contact information through the Group. 
Because we do not collect any personally identifiable information  from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Group, we  do NOT condition the participation of a child under thirteen in the  Group's online activities on providing personally identifiable  information. 

CAN-SPAM Compliance 
We strictly abide by our obligations to comply with anti-SPAM  laws.
All emails that are sent to you by Lodestone Technology, Inc. include an  unsubscribe link in them. 
You can remove yourself at any time from our mailing list by  clicking on the unsubscribe link that can be found in every  communication that we send you. 
We will remove you from our mailing list immediately. 
Additionally, all emails from us will have a clear “From” field that  identifies us as the sender and will contain our address for  contact purposes. 

Revisions to this policy 
Our Company reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, our  Terms of Service, and our other policies and agreements at any time and in  any manner, by updating this posting.

Where to direct questions about our privacy policy 
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the company  described herein, you may contact us through the contact information  provided on this webGroup.
